domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

The hebrew/greek Scripture's surprisingly mixed messages on sexuality

By Jennifer Wright Knust, Special to CNN

We often hears that Christians have no choice but to regard homosexuality as a sin - that Scripture simply demands it.
As a Bible scholar and pastor myself, I say that Scripture does no such thing.
"I love gay people, but the Bible forces me to condemn them" is a poor excuse that attempts to avoid accountability by wrapping a very particular and narrow interpretation of a few biblical passages in a cloak of divinely inspired respectability.
Truth is, Scripture can be interpreted in any number of ways. And biblical writers held a much more complicated view of human sexuality than contemporary debates have acknowledged.
In Genesis, for example, it would seem that God’s original intention for humanity was androgyny, not sexual differentiation and heterosexuality.
Genesis includes two versions of the story of God’s creation of the human person. First, God creates humanity male and female and then God forms the human person again, this time in the Garden of Eden. The second human person is given the name Adam and the female is formed from his rib.
Ancient Christians and Jews explained this two-step creation by imagining that the first human person possessed the genitalia of both sexes. Then, when the androgynous, dually-sexed person was placed in the garden, s/he was divided in two.
According to this account, the man “clings to the woman” in an attempt to regain half his flesh, which God took from him once he was placed in Eden. As third century Rabbi Samuel bar Nahman explained, when God created the first man, God created him with two faces. “Then he split the androgyne and made two bodies, one on each side, and turned them about.”
When the apostle Paul envisioned the bodies that would be given to humanity at the end of time, he imagined that they would be androgynous, “not male and female.” The third-century non-canonical Gospel of Philip, meanwhile, lamented that sexual difference had been created at all: “If the female had not separated from the male, she and the male would not die. That being’s separation became the source of death.”
From these perspectives, God’s original plan was sexual unity in one body, not two. The Genesis creation stories can support the notion that sexual intercourse is designed to reunite male and female into one body, but they can also suggest that God’s blessing was first placed on an undifferentiated body that didn’t have sex at all.
Heterosexual sex was therefore an afterthought designed to give back the man what he had lost.
Despite common misperceptions, biblical writers could also imagine same-sex intimacy as a source of blessing. For example, the seemingly intimate relationship between the Old Testament's David and Jonathan, in which Jonathan loved David more than he loved women, may have been intended to justify David’s rise as king.
Jonathan, not David, was a king’s son. David was only a shepherd. Yet by becoming David’s “woman,” Jonathan voluntarily gave up his place for his beloved friend.
Thus, Jonathan “took great delight in David,” foiling King Saul’s attempts to arrange for David’s death (1 Samuel 19:1). Choosing David over his father, Jonathan makes a formal covenant with his friend, asking David to remain faithful to him and his descendants.
Sealing the covenant, David swears his devotion to Jonathan, “for he loved him as he loved his own life” (1 Samuel 20:17). When Jonathan is killed, King David composes a eulogy for him, praising his devotion: “greatly beloved were you to me; your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women” (2 Samuel 1:26).
Confident claims about the forms of sex rejected by God are also called into question by early Christian interpretations of the story of Sodom. From the perspective of the New Testament, it was the near rape of angels - not sex between men - that led to the demise of the city.
Linking a strange story in Genesis about “sons of God” who lust after “daughters of men” to the story of the angels who visit Abraham’s nephew Lot, New Testament writers concluded that the mingling of human and divine flesh is an intolerable sin.
As the New Testament letter Jude puts it:
And the angels who did not keep their own position, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in deepest darkness for the judgment of the great day. Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual immorality and went after strange flesh, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire (Jude 6-7).
The first time angels dared to mix with humans, God flooded the earth, saving only Noah, his family, and the animals. In the case of Sodom, as soon as men attempted to engage in sexual activity with angels, God obliterated the city with fire, delivering only Lot and his family. Sex with angels was regarded as the most dangerous and offensive sex of all.
It’s true that same-sex intimacy is condemned in a few biblical passages. But these passages, which I can count on one hand, are addressed to specific sex acts and specific persons, not to all humanity forever, and they can be interpreted in any number of ways.
The book of Leviticus, for example, is directed at Israelite men, offering instructions regarding legitimate sexual partners so long as they are living in Israel. Biblical patriarchs and kings violate nearly every one of these commandments.
Paul’s letters urge followers of Christ to remain celibate and blame all Gentiles in general for their poor sexual standards. Jesus, meanwhile, says nothing at all about same-sex pairing, and when he discusses marriage, he discourages it.
So why are we pretending that the Bible is dictating our sexual morals? It isn’t.
Moreover, as Americans we should have learned by now that such a simplistic approach to the Bible will lead us astray.
Only a little more than a century ago, many of the very same passages now being invoked to argue that the scriptures label homosexuality a sin or that God cannot countenance gay marriage were used to justify not “biblical marriage” but slavery.
Yes, the apostle Paul selected same-sex pairings as one among many possible examples of human sin, but he also assumed that slavery was acceptable and then did nothing to protect slaves from sexual use by their masters, a common practice at the time. Letters attributed to him go so far as to command slaves to obey their masters and women to obey their husbands as if they were obeying Christ.
These passages served as fundamental proof texts to those who were arguing that slavery was God’s will and accusing abolitionists of failing to obey biblical mandates.
It is therefore disturbing to hear some Christian leaders today claim that they have no choice but to regard homosexuality as a sin. They do have a choice and should be held accountable for the ones they are making.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Jennifer Wright Knust.
Posted by: The Editors - CNN Belief Blog

Filed under: Bible • Faith Now • Homosexuality • Opinion • Sex
Editor's Note: Deepak Chopra is founder of the Chopra Foundation and a senior scientist at the Gallup Organization. He has authored over 60 books, including The Soul of Leadership, which The Wall Street Journal called one of five best business books about careers.
By Deepak Chopra, Special to CNN
For most people, science deserves its reputation for being opposed to religion.
I'm not thinking of the rather noisy campaign by a handful of die-hard atheists to demote and ridicule faith.
I'm thinking instead of Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution has proved victorious over the Book of Genesis and its story of God creating the universe in seven days. Since then, God has been found wanting when measured against facts and data. With no data to support the existence of God, there is also no reason for religion and science to close the gap between them.
Yet the gap has indeed been closing.
Posted by: The Editors - CNN Belief Blog

“A compreensão dos fenómenos naturais, dos mais simples aos mais profundos, deveria apenas fortalecer nossa espiritualidade. A racionalidade e a espiritualidade são aspectos complementares”, escreve Marcelo Gleiser na “Folha de S. Paulo” (aqui). Para o professor de física teórica no Dartmouth College, em Hanover (EUA), com várias obras publicadas sobre a relação ciência / religião, "as três origens", isto é, a do Universo, a da vida e a da mente, são um terreno excelente para a intersecção entre a ciência e a religião.
E mesmo que se venha a obter uma explicação científica (isto é, natural) dos três fenómenos tal não significa que seja abolida a “conexão espiritual com a natureza”.
A origem do universo, da vida e da mente “são as questões não respondidas que servem de motivação para os cientistas. O destino final importa menos do que o que aprendemos no meio do caminho”.

Filed under: Culture & Science • Leaders • Opinion • Science

My Take: Forget falling in love. Try arranged marriage.
Editor's Note: Ehud Sperling is founder and president of Inner Traditions International, one of the world's largest publishers of books on spirituality, religion, and holistic health. He is the co-author of For Seven Lifetimes: an East-West Journey to A Spiritually Fulfilling and Sustainable Marriage.
By Ehud Sperling, Special to CNN
All my life I had believed, like most of us, that romantic love was a sure precursor and indicator of marital bliss. I had played the game of love and lost.
How could this be? I was and still am a book publisher, successfully working with women on a daily basis for 35 years. But a lasting and stable relationship with a woman in the role of my wife was eluding me.
Posted by: The Editors - CNN Belief Blog

Filed under: Asia • Faith Now • Hinduism • India • Interfaith issues • Opinion

Ciclo Ecuménico de Oración

Esta semana oramos por:

Se o homem não deixar de consumir combustíveis fósseis também não terá como minimizar as consequências da braveza dos mares que, de imediato destruirá várias cidades costeiras. E se o consumo deixar de acontecer agora, o homem ainda sofrerá os danos provocados à atmosfera pelo período de 30 a 50 anos, até que o gás já emitido seja dissipado. Com o atual retrato a previsão é de que a água deverá subir entre 4 e 5m de altura. Nos Estados Unidos as principais cidades a serem atingidas são Baltimore, Miami, Nova Orleans, Nova Iorque e até Washington, além de Londres, na Inglaterra. Nova Orleans sofreu com o Katrina, mas nada foi feito para minimizar novas catástrofes, segundo cientistas, que prevêem outros furacões Além dessas, outras cidades costeiras do mundo sofrerão o mesmo efeito, devido às alterações do derretimento das calotas polares e de grandes geleiras. À medida que as calotas derretem aparecerão áreas escuras (antes gélidas e claras), onde o sol ganhará força de impacto, fenômeno chamado pelos cientistas de Efeito Feedback. Esse desaparecimento também indica que o homem presenciará mudanças na Terra. Mas, atualmente, já se registra o desaparecimento de geleiras em todo o mundo. Nas últimas 3 décadas, cerca de 25% das geleiras peruanas desapareceram. Esse registro ocasiona outro efeito nas regiões afetadas. As mudanças, por serem radicais, exigem alterações e respostas rápidas do homem na questão da sobrevivência. Os exemplos registrados até hoje mostram que a segunda parte não acontece. Ao nível dos oceanos que aumentam junte-se o calor nos mares. No ano 2000, um acontecimento jamais visto deixou cientistas perplexos. Uma barreira de 11 mil metros quadrados de gelo desprendeu-se da calota da Antártida e em torno de 3 trilhões de toneladas de gelo seguiram mar adentro. Caso somente o gelo da Antártida e da Groelândia se derreta, o nível do mar aumentará até 9m, segundo previsão científica. Programa Grace A seriedade da situação fez com que a entidade científica de influência global, a Nasa, se unisse a outra agência alemã, para juntas construírem o Programa Grace, com o objetivo de ‘bisbilhotar’ os efeitos do degelo. O programa lançou os satélites Tom e Jerry, que há cinco anos medem as alterações gravitacionais ocasionadas pelo derretimento de gelo na Groelândia e na Antártida. Toda a água compactada em blocos de gelo ao derreter, ocasiona mais pressão por ocupar mais volume no espaço. Satélites monitoram os efeitos do degelo na pressão atmosférica Segundo cientistas o calor derrete entre 100 e 200 bilhões de toneladas de gelo por ano. Invasão de mares Em muitos lugares do mundo o mar é o responsável pela perda de terra seca em função ao aumento de seu nível. Em Bangladesh fazendeiros perderam áreas de plantação de arroz por causa da invasão de água salgada do mar. Além de causar sérios problemas sócio-econômicos, provocando a mudança de comportamento de animais e migrações em massa para países desenvolvidos, o risco da falta de água potável é outro grande problema a enfrentar. No Rio de Janeiro Em São João da Barra, no norte fluminense, uma maré alta destruiu um prédio de quatro andares, em 5 de abril de 2008. Nos últimos 35 anos, o mar avança a média de 3m a cada 12 meses. Mais de 200 casas já foram destruídas pelas ondas, desabrigando moradores. Segundo pesquisas do Departamento de Engenharia Cartográfica da Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (Uerj), nos últimos meses a erosão tem se acelerado, além do previsto e avançou 7m, o dobro da média anual, medida desde a década de 50. Nos Estados Unidos A cada dia a água do mar invade 30cm de área da cidade de Luziânia (EUA) e grandes áreas de terra são consumidas pelo mar. Na mesma região, 13 ilhas desapareceram nos últimos 100 anos e a remanescente Ilha Robert já perdeu 8m de terra desde junho de 2008. No século passado, os Estados Unidos sofreram a ação devastadora provocada por 167 furacões. Os mais violentos foram o Vilma, Rita e o Katrina. O Projeto Argo, lançado para medir o estado físico dos oceanos, mostra por meio de 3 mil bóias distribuídas pelos oceanos, que o aquecimento ocorre com velocidade alarmante. E somente neste século, os cientistas prevêem a elevação do nível do mar entre 30 a 90cm. Cidades vulneráveis As cidades norte-americanas ameaçadas por furacões do nível 2 (como o Isabel), são Baltimore, Nova Orleans, Miami, Nova Iorque e até Washington. Londres não fica fora da lista. Elas são vulneráveis a furacões que podem provocar o aumento do nível do mar e inundações de 4 a 5m. Segundo previsões, os furacões continuarão e com maior incidência Na Europa Em fevereiro de 1953, a força dos ventos e a maré alta destruíram diques na Holanda, desenvolvidos desde a Idade Média. O resultado foi desastroso, pois 300 fazendas e 3 mil casas foram destruídas e 1,8 mil pessoas morreram. Em 2007 o mar invadiu a capital da Finlândia. Destruição de efeito dominó Os pântanos, ao lado das ilhas, são acidentes geográficos que minimizam a ação de furacões, por desgastar por fricção, a velocidade do vento. Mas, também, ao lado das ilhas, segundo pesquisa, os pântanos estão desaparecendo. O aumento da temperatura dos oceanos também ocasiona tempestades violentas. O oceano mais quentes e o aquecimento que provoca o degelo de calotas polares, causará destruição sem limites. Leia mais no livro Fronteira Final


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